

Buddy Kane is known as the ____ Estate King in American Beauty

Here is the answer for the: Buddy Kane is known as the ____ Estate King in American Beauty Word Craze. This Word Craze clue was last seen on January 12 2025 Word Craze Daily Theme puzzle. The answer we have for Buddy Kane is known as the ____ Estate King in American Beauty has a total of 4 letters.



The word REAL is a 4 letter word that has 2 syllable's. The syllable division for REAL is: re-al


A small Spanish silver coin; also, a denomination of money of account, formerly the unit of the Spanish monetary system.
Royal; regal; kingly.
Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; as, a description of real life.
True; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit, or factitious; often opposed to ostensible; as, the real reason; real Madeira wine; real ginger.
Relating to things, not to persons.
Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning; not imaginary.
Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements; as, real property, in distinction from personal or movable property.
A realist.

Other January 12 2025 Word Craze Daily Theme Puzzle Clues

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