James Cooks account of a 1774 visit here records an object near 27 feet long and upwards of 8 feet over the breast or shoulders

James Cooks account of a 1774 visit here records an object near 27 feet long and upwards of 8 feet over the breast or shoulders

The Final Jeopardy Clue of the Day is a feature on the popular American television quiz show, Jeopardy! It is a clue that is selected by the show's producers and released to the public before the episode airs. The Clue of the Day is often used to promote upcoming episodes of the show and to generate excitement among fans.

The Clue of the Day is typically released on Jeopardy! website and social media channels the day before the episode airs. The clue is presented in the form of a question, just like in the regular game, and often includes a hint or clue about the category or topic of the clue.

In this article, you will be able to find the answer to Today's Final Jeopardy Clue for April 13, 2023!

CLUE: James Cooks account of a 1774 visit here records an object near 27 feet long and upwards of 8 feet over the breast or shoulders

ANSWER: Easter Island

Please find below some information about Today's Final Jeopardy Clue:

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is a small island located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. It is a territory of Chile and is considered one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world.

Easter Island is known for its large stone statues called moai, which were carved by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries. These statues are often seen as a symbol of the island's mysterious and isolated past.

The island has a fascinating history and culture, with evidence suggesting that it was once a thriving and complex society before environmental and social factors led to its collapse. Today, Easter Island is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming from all over the world to see its stunning landscapes, learn about its history, and experience its unique culture.

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