Last name of 3 men who missed the 1927 premiere of The Jazz Singer because a 4th of that name had died hours before

Last name of 3 men who missed the 1927 premiere of The Jazz Singer because a 4th of that name had died hours before

The Final Jeopardy Clue of the Day is a feature on the popular American television quiz show, Jeopardy! It is a clue that is selected by the show's producers and released to the public before the episode airs. The Clue of the Day is often used to promote upcoming episodes of the show and to generate excitement among fans.

The Clue of the Day is typically released on Jeopardy! website and social media channels the day before the episode airs. The clue is presented in the form of a question, just like in the regular game, and often includes a hint or clue about the category or topic of the clue.

In this article, you will be able to find the answer to Today's Final Jeopardy Clue for April 26, 2023!

CLUE:  Last name of 3 men who missed the 1927 premiere of The Jazz Singer because a 4th of that name had died hours before


Please find below some information about Today's Final Jeopardy Clue:

The Jazz Singer is a landmark film in the history of cinema, as it was the first feature-length motion picture with synchronized dialogue sequences, known as "talkies". The film was released on October 6, 1927, and it was a massive success, paving the way for sound in the movies.

However, on the night of the premiere, three of the most important figures involved in the film's production - Samuel L. Rothafel (the theater owner), Harry M. Warner (the studio head), and Jack L. Warner (Harry's brother and co-head of the studio) - were not in attendance. The reason was that earlier that day, a fourth man with the same last name as them had died, and they decided to skip the premiere out of respect for him.

The fourth man was Al Jolson's brother, Hirsch Yoelson, who had died unexpectedly at the age of 49. Al Jolson was the star of The Jazz Singer, and he was devastated by the news of his brother's passing. In fact, he almost pulled out of the film, but he ultimately decided to go through with it as a tribute to his brother.

Despite the absence of Rothafel and the Warners, the premiere of The Jazz Singer was a huge success, and it marked a turning point in the history of cinema. The film became a cultural phenomenon, and it has since been recognized as one of the most important and influential movies ever made.

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