The first U.S. battleship ever built was launched in 1889 but lasted less than 9 years

The first U.S. battleship ever built was launched in 1889 but lasted less than 9 years

The Final Jeopardy Clue of the Day is a feature on the popular American television quiz show, Jeopardy! It is a clue that is selected by the show's producers and released to the public before the episode airs. The Clue of the Day is often used to promote upcoming episodes of the show and to generate excitement among fans.

The Clue of the Day is typically released on Jeopardy! website and social media channels the day before the episode airs. The clue is presented in the form of a question, just like in the regular game, and often includes a hint or clue about the category or topic of the clue.

In this article, you will be able to find the answer to Today's Final Jeopardy Clue for July 13, 2023!

CLUE: The first U.S. battleship ever built was launched in 1889 but lasted less than 9 years


Below you will be able to find some information about today's Jeopardy Clue Answer:

The USS Maine (ACR-1) was a United States Navy armored cruiser that was launched in 1889, around the same time as the USS Texas. However, its fate was quite different.

On February 15, 1898, the USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor, Cuba. The cause of the explosion remains disputed, but it was a significant event that led to the escalation of tensions between the United States and Spain, ultimately leading to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War.

The sinking of the USS Maine became a rallying cry for war, and the phrase "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!" became a popular slogan. The incident sparked intense public outrage in the United States, and the U.S. government used it as a justification to intervene in the Cuban War of Independence.

The exact cause of the explosion has never been definitively determined, and various theories have been proposed, including an external mine or an internal coal bunker explosion. The U.S. Navy conducted investigations at the time, but the findings were inconclusive. In 1976, a new investigation suggested that the explosion was most likely due to a fire in one of the ship's coal bunkers that ignited the ship's magazines.

The sinking of the USS Maine marked a turning point in U.S. history, leading to a significant shift in public opinion and ultimately influencing the decision to go to war with Spain. It is often remembered as a key event that propelled the United States onto the world stage as a major naval power.

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