- Word Craze Daily Mini
- July 17 2024
- To forcefully take something from someone's hands
To forcefully take something from someone's hands
Here is the answer for the: To forcefully take something from someone's hands Word Craze. This Word Craze clue was last seen on July 17 2024 Word Craze Daily Mini puzzle. The answer we have for To forcefully take something from someone's hands has a total of 6 letters.
The word SNATCH is a 6 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for SNATCH is: snatch
• | To take or seize hastily, abruptly, or without permission
or ceremony; as, to snatch a loaf or a kiss. |
• | To seize and transport away; to rap. |
• | To attempt to seize something suddenly; to catch; --
often with at; as, to snatch at a rope. |
• | A hasty catching or seizing; a grab; a catching at, or
attempt to seize, suddenly. |
• | A short period of vigorous action; as, a snatch at weeding
after a shower. |
• | A small piece, fragment, or quantity; a broken part; a
scrap. |
• | The handle of a scythe; a snead. |
Other July 17 2024 Word Craze Daily Mini Puzzle Clues
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